Pulmonologist in Pune
17+ Yrs Experience
Dr. Agrawal is one of the best pulmonologist in Pune & PCMC
17+ years experience in the field of respiratory medicine.

He is a super specialist that deals with preventing, diagnosing and treating lung conditions and respiratory tract.

Sleep Specialist
Sleep Disorders types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options all available at one stop.

Chest Physician
Get treated for asthma, chronic cough, bronchitis, TB, COPD, Lung Cancer, Pollution Related Health Problems, etc.

Covid-19 Specialist
Heading ICU Department(Covid-19) at various multi-specialty hospital like Aditya Birla, Lifepoint, Lotus Hospital
Dr Agrawal is a one stop centre for chest disease treatments.
At Dr Agrawal's Clinic, you will get treatment for all your allergies, breathing problems and other lungs problems under one roof by the best pulmonologist in Pune & PCMC

Dr. Yogesh Agrawal
Pulmonologist in Pune / PCMC
Our services & specialties. Find the care you need
What does this clinic bring in this region?
Dr Agrawal chest is a specialty centre for one stop consultations in pulmonary medicine. The establishment of this centre has brought to the fore an expertise sorely missing from the region.
What are the facilities available at the clinic?
The following facilities are available:
- Pulmonary function testing (Spirometry)
- Bronchoscopy
- Sleep studies (polysomnography)
- Thoracoscopy
- Lung cancer chemotherapy
I Snore. Do i need to undergo a sleep study test?
It is not necessary that all persons who snore need to undergo a sleep study. There should be associated features to label it a disease. You should seek consultation from a sleep specialist in this case, who will screen you appropriately.